Neon signs often signal memories and feelings of nostalgia. Whether it was the simple “Open” sign to your favorite place to buy a hamburger or a sign with your favorite colors, neon signs simply scream vintage décor. When incorporating vintage pieces into your style, you want to make sure to do it right. Here are a few areas that neon signs can really shine in your home:
1. Entertainment room. Many of us are building or remodeling homes with specific areas designated to entertain. Sometimes they’re “man-caves” and sometimes they consist of a multi-purpose area with lots of entertainment activities. Neon signs are often associated with businesses or activities, so it makes sense to include them in entertainment room décor.
2. Bedrooms. While your spouse or loved one is probably right to balk at the idea of a neon sign hanging in their master bedroom, when done correctly, neon signs can be a great addition to a vintage style room. Make sure the other décor is as vintage as the neon sign so that it will be a good component of style instead of sticking out like a sore thumb.
3. Bar areas. Neon signs are well-suited for areas of the home where alcohol is stored and served. Many people have small wine cellars, bar areas, or even small alcoves where a neon sign could serve a fun and whimsical purpose.
If you’re on the hunt for some unique and enjoyable vintage neon signs, look no further than to us here at The Barn on Country Club!