As technology advances, devices and tools that were once cutting edge gradually become outdated, and ultimately become antiques. In the case of music, some people can recall having to start their collections over multiple times, from records to cassettes, from cassettes to CDs, from CDs to mp3s. Today, many people rely on streaming services for their music, and own no physical copies at all. However, there are also many people who are returning to older methods, so much so that vinyl records are becoming a common sight once more. Here at The Barn on Country Club, we love antiques, and we have some thoughts on why vinyl is making a comeback.
- Ownership- As mentioned, streaming services make it easier than ever to access just about any recorded music you can imagine. However, some find that streaming music in this way feels impersonal and doesn’t bring the same pleasure as building up a personal library. Vinyl records are a great way to achieve that sense of tangibility and ownership, and if that appeals to you, you can start your collection here at The Barn on Country Club.
- Sound Quality- Although digital music has many advantages, it also has limitations. For example, many old and upcoming vinyl fans find that digital formats can’t match the sound quality of vinyl records. Unlike compressed digital files and tiny earbud speakers, vinyl records provide you the listener with the full range of tone, dynamics, and musical experience as the original recording.
- Retro Cool- Here at The Barn on Country Club, we find that many people who purchase our vinyl records do so because they like their “retro” quality. Rather than chase the latest release in music technology, people like this prefer to take a look back and appreciate the good things about older formats. If you are one of them, stop by our store any time to see what vinyl records you’d like to add to your collection.